Friday, 26 March 2010

The Way to Happiness in Ghana

The Way To Happiness® in Ghana held its first seminar recently at a junior high school with a student population of 235 and 7 staff members.

The school is a local organized school built by the community. Residents and staff at the school are concerned with the increased crimes being committed by youth. The Way To Happiness was introduced as a means to both lower the crime rate and bring a sense of hope and happiness to all involved.

The facilitator of the seminar and students had a lively and productive talk about all of The Way To Happiness precepts. There was no lack of ideas and questions flowing from the group.

A huge supporter of The Way To Happiness is
Mr. Kingsley Afetorgbor. He worked diligently to introduce the staff to The Way To Happiness and make this seminar happen. Kingsley has encouraged the staff to put the booklets in their free period classes, time table and library. He firmly believes the reading, learning, and following the moral codes will reduce the rate of youth crime.

The headmaster of the school is also a supporter of The Way To Happiness and encouraged the students to put the 21 precepts into practice; voicing that it will help them to be good leaders some time in life. He also stated that funding and supplies are needed to expand this program in their school.

"Be Competent' (precept 17) t shirts were given out by another supporter of The Way To Happiness. These t shirts are worn proudly by the students that take an active role in applying the precepts both in their school and home life.

Many wonderful, productive activities are in the works in Ghana. The Way To Happiness supporters volunteer their precious time to help spread hope and happiness. Many schools need to be visited, many more booklets and t shirts are hoped to be given, many more students are waiting to learn this common sense guide to better living.

Please join hands with Ghana and help us spread The Way To Happiness.

'Today's children will become tomorrow's civilization. Bringing a child into the world today is a little bit like dropping one into a tiger's cage. Children can't handle their environment and they have no real resources. They need love and help to make it' - The Way to Happiness

Sunday, 21 March 2010

The Wolf You Feed

One evening, an old native American told his grandson a story about the inner struggle taking place in Man's soul.

"You see, my child, this inner conflict, the struggle, is between two wolves inside us all:

"One wolf is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, vanity, self-pity, guilt, offense, inferiority, lies and arrogance.

"The other wolf is pleasure, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kind-heartedness, generosity, empathy, truth, mercy and faith."

The grandson thought for a moment and asked his grandfather: "And which wolf wins?"

The old native American smiled and answered simply: "The one you feed."

The message is simple; we all know that, don't we? And yet... How do you manage to feed the correct wolf? And what can you do when sometimes you unintentionally happen to feed the dangerous wolf? Can you really control it? Can a beautiful parable really apply to your life, or only to an original native American?

It turns out that certain logical rules of human behavior exist and when you respect them, you also happen to feed the correct wolf!

Whether you are native American, Circassian, Muslim or Jewish... it doesn't matter. The same rules apply for all of us.

The rules are described in The Way to Happiness® booklet - a common sense guide to better living, which is a non-religious moral code, based wholly on common sense.

By applying the values taught in this booklet, every person can 'feed the correct wolf" and come closer to that which he really wants to be...

You can help others feed the correct wolf, and thus change the face of the whole society!

Give The Way to Happiness book to people around you that affect your happiness.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Prime Minister King embraces MV Freewinds "The Way to Happiness" programme

Monday, March 8, 2010 – Prime Minister Honourable Stephenson King, has expressed optimism that the newly launched “The Way to Happiness Programme” will have a positive impact on the social fabric of the country.

The programme which was launched on board the MV Freewinds in Port Castries on Monday, is intended to address problems associated with moral decay in society and to restore integrity and trust among citizens.

Prime Minister King says “The Way to Happiness Programme” is being introduced to Saint Lucia at a critical time when the entire Caribbean stands at the cross-roads of social and economic development.

“It gives us hope. It provides those of us who are involved—in one way or another—an opportunity to make a difference in our lives, and the lives of those out there who seem to be troubled and engaged in unacceptable social behaviour that we experience on a daily basis.”

The Way to Happiness Programme promotes twenty-one principles to reduce crime and uplift the standard and quality of living in communities around the island.

The programme is entirely non-religious and is dubbed the moral code of the twenty-first century.

Executive Director of The Way to Happiness International, Joni Ginsberg, says Saint Lucia stands to benefit from the programme which will inculcate in citizens the moral values of love and respect for one another.

“We are here to give Saint Lucians tools which are very important and can be used to change and revert the problems of crime, drugs, and violence in the country.”

The Way to Happiness Programme has recorded success in many countries around the world including the United States and Columbia.

Monday's introduction of the programme to Saint Lucia was targeted at several social institutions like the Police Force, and the Boys’ Training Centre.

The Way to Happiness Programme is being funded by the crew of the MV Freewinds. The national launch will take place on March 16 at the Derek Walcott Square from midday.


How you can help

Reversing the social and moral decay in our society will require many, many creative and dedicated people implementing their ideas broadly.

It will take many thousands of volunteers and full-time staff and it will take financial support — for, without money, little is really accomplished in our modern world. The Way to Happiness® campaign will only go as far as you and people like you join in and help create a safer and saner environment.

We invite you to join the campaign. We believe that the goal of a decent and moral society is worth working for.

Did you know? Forty-five percent of adult Americans feel that addressing declining moral values should be a top priority for President Obama according to Pew Research Center survey. Jan. 7-11, 2009.

The common sense values of The Way to Happiness are very much needed and wanted by society.

Your membership is vital to fulfilling our mission of getting The Way to Happiness to the public and in use. Our Public Service Announcements air to over 725 million people per week in over 20 countries around the world.

The Way to Happiness has over 25 years of success in improving the lives and conditions of individuals, families, schools, communities and even entire countries. The book has received widespread recognition from community leaders, mayors, governors and members of Congress, including 123 Congressional mentions and recognitions.

Overwhelming demand for our materials from around the world necessitates an expansion of our membership drive.

Become a member now or upgrade your membership.L. Ron Hubbard, author of "The Way to Happiness", in discussing membership organizations is quoted as writing:

"The power of an organization is counted by the number of members it has."

"The fact of the matter is a membership establishes the size of an organization to officialdom."

Therefore (a group must) have members by the ton. We are asking all of our supporters to become official members.We can take a stand and do something to improve the conditions in this world.

Join now